Meet  Your Coaches

Hey, I’m Ashley! I am so excited that you’re here and that you’re ready to transform your body & your health! It’s such a pleasure to meet you! So, who am I and why the heck am I here doing this work? Well, I went to school to become a vet technician and at the same time, my EMT career started to take off and I FREAKING loved it! During that time, I was seeing more and more people struggling with their health, wellness and just generally being heard by doctors. Not to mention my own battle I had with myself with metabolic resistance and SIBO. This is what led me to functional medicine and why I do what I do now! It broke my heart and filled me with frustration, that people who suffered from autoimmune problems, gut problems and their weight, were unable to get the help  that they needed and DESERVED!! I am an AFAA certified trainer, NESTA fitness nutrition coach and Level 1 NCI nutritional coach, NCI hormone specialist, NCI mindset specialist, and online coach with a NASM specialization in women’s fitness and working towards my certification for a functional practitioner! I specialize in helping women heal and balance their hormones, revive their gut health, and achieve sustainable fat loss!.Losing weight isn’t as simple as handing a person a meal plan and workout plan. It’s MUCH more than that! The number one thing on my mind always is — the success of my clients! Teaching people they can live a healthy, balanced lifestyle while eating foods they enjoy - that is why I am here!

Hey, I’m Ashley! I am so excited that you’re here and that you’re ready to transform your body & your health! It’s such a pleasure to meet you! So, who am I and why the heck am I here doing this work? Well, I went to school to become a vet technician and at the same time, my EMT career started to take off and I  loved it! During that time, I was seeing more and more people struggling with their health, wellness and just generally not being heard by doctors. Not to mention my own battle I had with myself with metabolic resistance and SIBO. This is what led me to functional medicine and why I do what I do now! It filled me with frustration, that people who suffered from autoimmune problems, gut problems and their weight, were unable to get the help

 that they needed and DESERVED!! I am an AFAA certified trainer, and Level 1 NCI nutritional coach, NCI hormone specialist, NCI mindset specialist, and online coach with a NASM specialization in women’s fitness and I have my certification for functional nutritionist practitioner that I worked long and hard for! I specialize in helping women heal and balance their hormones, revive their gut health, and achieve sustainable fat loss! Losing weight isn’t as simple as handing a person a meal plan and workout plan. It’s MUCH more than that! The number one thing on my mind always is — the success of my clients! Teaching people they can live a healthy, balanced lifestyle while eating foods they enjoy - that is why I am here!

Meet Ashley

Hi, I'm Mandy! I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 13 years. I hold numerous certifications in Personal Training, Pre/Postnatal, Strength and Conditioning, Sport Nutrition, Holistic Nutrition and Women's health.

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2003 and Celiac disease in 2011. After my own personal battle with my health declining in 2013, and spending 5 years being passed from doctor to doctor, I took matters into my own hands and began my own journey in the world of holistic and functional health with the full intention to get to the "root cause" of all my ailments. By finding my root cause and healing my own body from the inside out, it has led me to where I am today. 

I am passionate about helping others take control of their own health and find the light at the end of the tunnel, without the need for numerous synthetic medications. I believe every individual deserves to thrive and not just survive! By supporting our body and not suppressing it, we give our bodies the nutrients and love it needs and deserves. We are only given one body. It is our job to take care of it.

Meet Mandy

Hi, I'm Mandy! I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 13 years. I hold numerous certifications in Personal Training, Pre/Postnatal, Strength and Conditioning, Sport Nutrition, Holistic Nutrition and Women's health.

I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2003 and Celiac disease in 2011. After my own personal battle with my health declining in 2013, and spending 5 years being passed from doctor to doctor, I took matters into my own hands and began my own journey in the world of holistic and functional health with the full intention to get to the "root cause" of all my ailments. By finding my root cause and healing my own body from the inside out, it has led me to where I am today. 

I am passionate about helping others take control of their own health and find the light at the end of the tunnel, without the need for numerous synthetic medications. I believe every individual deserves to thrive and not just survive! By supporting our body and not suppressing it, we give our bodies the nutrients and love it needs and deserves. We are only given one body. It is our job to take care of it.

Hello, I’m Charis!

I have been in the health and fitness industry for 7 years now. I have experience in personal training, and the holistic nutrition industry. I have my functional health coach certification and have been helping people on their health and fitness journey for 5 years.
I am a licensed cosmetologist and that is still near and dear to my heart. Functional Nutrition is where my true calling is though. I first got into fitness and nutrition after having my son 9 years ago. I started working out, watching what I was eating and really taking care of my body. I spent from about 12-19 years old struggling with my weight and not knowing how to properly fuel my body or take care of it. I was put on birth control when I was 18 and after some terrible side effects I went off of it. So when I started truly taking care of my body and reading and learning as much as I could do to take care of myself it was such a game changer.

After having my daughter I participated in a 12 week challenge and lost 30 pounds and it really set a fire under me to compete in bodybuilding. I competed in 3 shows and unfortunately completed down regulated all systems of my body due to having a coach who was not watching my hormones or body systems, leaving me with severe metabolic resistance and major gut issues. That’s when I found functional nutrition and after doctor visits and no one being able to help me I reached out to a functional nutrition practitioner. He was able to address all my issues functionally and I was able to restore my hormones and get pregnant with my 3rd child. I have continued to work with my coach to help me stay happy and healthy and functionally address any issues that come my way.
I have such a passion for helping people heal. When they have exhausted all options and when doctors cannot help them and they feel so hopeless, I know how that feels. I love seeing people get results and I love helping them along the way, coming out on the other side happier and healthier with restored hope! We all have our why and mine stems from my own journey and knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel you just have to find it!

Meet Charis

Hello, I’m Charis!

I have been in the health and fitness industry for 7 years now. I have experience in personal training, and the holistic nutrition industry. I am in the process of my functional health coach certification and have been helping people on their health and fitness journey for 5 years.

I am a licensed cosmetologist and that is still near and dear to my heart. Functional Nutrition is where my true calling is though. I first got into fitness and nutrition after having my son 9 years ago. I started working out, watching what I was eating and really taking care of my body. I spent from about 12-19 years old struggling with my weight and not knowing how to properly fuel my body or take care of it. I was put on birth control when I was 18 and after some terrible side effects I went off of it. So when I started truly taking care of my body and reading and learning as much as I could do to take care of myself it was such a game changer.

After having my daughter I participated in a 12 week challenge and lost 30 pounds and it really set a fire under me to compete in bodybuilding. I competed in 3 shows and unfortunately completed down regulated all systems of my body due to having a coach who was not watching my hormones or body systems, leaving me with severe metabolic resistance and major gut issues. That’s when I found functional nutrition and after doctor visits and no one being able to help me I reached out to a functional nutrition practitioner. He was able to address all my issues functionally and I was able to restore my hormones and get pregnant with my 3rd child. I have continued to work with my coach to help me stay happy and healthy and functionally address any issues that come my way.
I have such a passion for helping people heal. When they have exhausted all options and when doctors cannot help them and they feel so hopeless, I know how that feels. I love seeing people get results and I love helping them along the way, coming out on the other side happier and healthier with restored hope! We all have our why and mine stems from my own journey and knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel you just have to find it!

Hello, I'm AshLynn!

I am a Registered Nurse and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and certified functional health coach from Ohio!
I first began my journey in the health and wellness world around 2011. I was a new grad from nursing school, after one year in healthcare I knew there was more to “Health”. I began my own research in the Holistic industry. In 2017 I started a new role at Cleveland Clinic Functional Medicine. Opened a whole new door of different learning experiences and education. I am forever grateful for my time there. In my heart I wanted to help people further in a more functional way, that’s when I went to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2020 for Health Coaching. 

Through my own personal experiences with functional medicine, I found myself pretty beat up with multiple symptoms. I was using working out as a crutch to escape different issue in my personal life. I was navigating a divorce and raising two small boys. I spent years doing CrossFit, one high intensity workout after another. At times I’d find myself working out 10 days straight with no rest days. My hair was thinning, cystic acne flares along my jawline, periods were so heavy I could barely leave my home at times, bloating, my weight wouldn’t budge, I looked inflamed. I was doing everything right -I would say to myself most times. I finally left CrossFit feeling a little better but still addicted to the dying sweaty feeling of a workout so I would do peloton workouts at home thinking that would make a difference. That’s when I notice how inflamed my body would get from a high intensity workout! My weight just went up the harder I worked. I decided to join a regular gym to lift weights. This is when things really become clear to me that something was not right with my body. I wouldn’t get a pump in my muscles when I would lift weight and no muscle gain at all. I spent six months spinning my wheels and that is when I knew I needed to get functional medicine help.
The past 1.5 years has been life changing for me. I worked hard to clearing up gut issues and finally found that I was having a hormone imbalance. I did our Flush program and OID program as well. It was a commitment but so worth it. I worked at light lifting and walking daily. It was all so much of a change for me but I knew it would pay off. My skin is the best it has ever looked, my hair is growing health & strong, my bloating has fully gone away, my weight has finally made a huge movement along with finally gaining muscle. The investment that I made to myself is priceless and I would never change the journey I experienced! 
I believe that functional medicine can help so many others and that’s why I am truly passionate about helping others through their journey. Seeing and hearing people tell me how much better they feel after years of struggling it fills my heart with so much happiness. I am beyond grateful to be here to help you all navigate through your health journey!

Hello, I'm AshLynn!

I am a Registered Nurse and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach from Ohio!
I first began my journey in the health and wellness world around 2011. I was a new grad from nursing school, after one year in healthcare I knew there was more to “Health”. I began my own research in the Holistic industry. In 2017 I started a new role at Cleveland Clinic Functional Medicine. Opened a whole new door of different learning experiences and education. I am forever grateful for my time there. In my heart I wanted to help people further in a more functional way, that’s when I went to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2020 for Health Coaching. 
Through my own personal experiences with functional medicine, I found myself pretty beat up with multiple symptoms. I was using working out as a crutch to escape different issue in my personal life. I was navigating a divorce and raising two small boys. I spent years doing CrossFit, one high intensity workout after another. At times I’d find myself working out 10 days straight with no rest days. My hair was thinning, cystic acne flares along my jawline, periods were so heavy I could barely leave my home at times, bloating, my weight wouldn’t budge, I looked inflamed. I was doing everything right -I would say to myself most times. I finally left CrossFit feeling a little better but still addicted to the dying sweaty feeling of a workout so I would do peloton workouts at home thinking that would make a difference. That’s when I notice how inflamed my body would get from a high intensity workout! My weight just went up the harder I worked. I decided to join a regular gym to lift weights. This is when things really become clear to me that something was not right with my body. I wouldn’t get a pump in my muscles when I would lift weight and no muscle gain at all. I spent six months spinning my wheels and that is when I knew I needed to get functional medicine help.
The past 1.5 years has been life changing for me. I worked hard to clearing up gut issues and finally found that I was having a hormone imbalance. I did our Flush program and OID program as well. It was a commitment but so worth it. I worked at light lifting and walking daily. It was all so much of a change for me but I knew it would pay off. My skin is the best it has ever looked, my hair is growing health & strong, my bloating has fully gone away, my weight has finally made a huge movement along with finally gaining muscle. The investment that I made to myself is priceless and I would never change the journey I experienced! 
I believe that functional medicine can help so many others and that’s why I am truly passionate about helping others through their journey. Seeing and hearing people tell me how much better they feel after years of struggling it fills my heart with so much happiness. I am beyond grateful to be here to help you all navigate through your health journey!

Meet AshLynn